Monday, February 26, 2007

Progress is going great on the first "Femnaut" painting! Below is another progression shot of the face of my fiance, Nicole. Still got some work to do before it's done, but it's getting there! Should be done pretty soon!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hello everyone!
I've recently over-hauled my website, so I've decided to start fresh with the blog!
I've started a new series of paintings called "Femnauts." It's a series based on the great pinup art of the 40's, 50's and 60's from artists like George Petty, Gil Elvgren, and Alberto Vargas. The paintings will explore the strength and beauty of women in the traditional pin-up fashion, but set in a mod-space theme.

This is a progression shot of the first painting from about a week ago:

This first painting is based on my fiance, Nicole. Next is the most recent progression shot, a close-up of her raygun!

I've still got some work to do on the skin, face and background, so keep checking back for the finished painting very soon!!!

Im still in the need of models to help get the series up to speed and keep it going! If you think you've got the right stuff to be a Femnaut, drop me a line!--- hefnatron (at)